Rediscovering the Lost Child Within: Healing and Grieving.

In four years of therapy, I've embarked on a journey of transformation, but with each passing day, I've realized that I'm bidding farewell to a part of myself—the inner child. The child who once found joy in the simplest of things, like wandering into stationery stores or relishing candy floss, now feels distant, as if slipping away beyond reach.

Slowly, without warning, the essence of that carefree spirit began to fade, leaving behind a sense of loss and confusion. Who was I becoming? The adult me stared back from the mirror, searching for answers, yet feeling lost in the process. The healing journey was draining, pulling me into sleepless nights and bewildered days, as I struggled to reconcile the person I was with the person I was becoming.

Healing isn't just about overcoming pain; it's about mourning the innocence and wonder of the inner child that once defined us. It's a journey filled with moments of celebration, rage, and profound sadness—a journey that unveils the hidden depths of our emotions and the complexities of our healing process.

As I navigate this path of rediscovery, I'm reminded that healing isn't linear; it's a rollercoaster of emotions that requires patience, compassion, and above all, self-love. So, I grieve the loss of my inner child, honoring the journey that has brought me here, and embracing the person I am destined to become.


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